Our Hope

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


In the last week there have been about 6 referrals for infants (I honestly have lost track there were so many)!!  That is straight up insane.  For real, we have been doing this for 2.5 years and I don't think there have ever been that many.  When we started the process there were about one a week.  But 6 in a week is movin!  Our social worker says that other agencies she works with have had a flood of referrals lately too.  There must have been a group of sweet kiddos that were just not paper ready in Ethiopia, and just recently they all became ready.  We have a conference call with our agency tomorrow, so I am anxious to hear what they will say about it.  We are now 10th for a boy, 12th for a girl, and 3rd for twins (all unofficial, but pretty accurate).  We let our immigration paperwork and fingerprints expire b/c we didn't want to have to update yet again (things were moving so slow that it was a definite possibility).  Well, now we are scrambling to get our home study updated so we can apply for a new I-600A (yada yada, numbers and names you don't care about unless you are in process).  I think that things will slow down again, but it takes about 3 months to update this paperwork, so we need to hustle to make sure that its current when we do get a referral.  I can't wait to see that little face.  Will it be a little boy, or girl?  Will they be walking or too little?  I think that this burst of referrals has renewed my hope in this process and helped me start dreaming again.  I think at times I wondered if it would ever happen.  I had to shut down my emotions almost, b/c I didn't know how to function in everyday life and be here, and also always be there too.  I almost think I have been a little numb.  I feel like it has effected my walk with the Lord as well though.  My heart has been turned off, and I have had trouble tapping into it during worship.  Awake my soul!  I am trying to trust God with the timing of all things in our life right now, and the potential changes that may happen in the next few months.  We would appreciate your prayers as well.

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